ZIWC Codes, Policies, Regulations
 and Guidelines

Charity Application Guidelines 2024

Auditors Policy 2023

Conflict of interest 2023

Code of Conduct 2020

Facebook Group Guidelines

Approved by Board on 19t.02.2020 and valid immediately.

The primary goal of this document is to outline a code for the conduct of all club members outlining positive relationships and expectations.

We are committed to provide a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and religion (or lack thereof).

Expected Behavior 

    • Show consideration and respect in your speech and actions. 
    • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing** behavior and speech either in person, in writing or online. 
    • Respect the volunteers efforts  who make the events possible to create a pleasant atmosphere
    • Attempt collaboration before conflict directly with the person. If needed seek mediation.
    • Respect club constitution, membership directory and cancellation policies.

Addressing Grievances

If and only when conflict resolution has not been successful, the President and Vice President may be notified and involved. They can determine the need to take the issue to the Board.

The Board, after discussion and evaluation, may vote and take action which may include:

1.   warning letter
2.   temporary ban *
3.   permanent expulsion from the club *
*without refund in the case of a paid event or their annual membership fee.

 **Harassment includes: harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability; deliberate intimidation, stalking; disruption of talks or other events.

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